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About the Educational Partnership

Our mission is to support and empower educational organizations, families, and communities to improve equity, access, opportunities, and outcomes for all students with disabilities in New York State.

Graduate hugging mom

Our Goal is to:

  • provide structure that facilitates systems change efforts and sustainability of those changes;
  • encourage and promote culturally responsive-sustaining education that includes families and communities as valued partners;
  • promote greater efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of high-quality services to families and professionals;
  • create a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary team approach focused on principles from NYSED's Blueprint for Improved Results for Students with Disabilities that supports our stakeholders; and
  • rely on data-based problem-solving and decision-making as well as the use of evidence-based practices.

The Educational Partnership

The Educational Partnership is comprised of the
Regional Teams and Technical Assistance Partnerships.

Technical Assistance Partnerships

A Special Education Technical Assistance Partnership, or TAP, is a funded contract located within an institution of higher education that serves two primary purposes: provide tools and resources for families and professionals, as well as provide direct support to the specialists within the Educational Partnership.

TAP for Academics

The TAP for Academics provides Partnership Centers with a basic understanding of literacy and specially designed instruction.

Located At
University of Albany
Albany, NY

TAP for Behavior

The TAP for Behavior provides Partnership Centers with a basic understanding of behavior theory and concepts.

Located At
University of Albany
Albany, NY

TAP for Data

The TAP for Data provides Partnership Centers with a basic understanding of data-based decision-making.

Located At
Cornell University's ILR School
Ithaca, NY

TAP for Equity

The TAP for Equity provides Partnership Centers with a basic understanding of bilingual and culturally responsive education.

Located At
Bank Street College of Education
New York, NY

TAP for Transition

The TAP for Transition provides Partnership Centers with a basic understanding of transition services.

Located At
Cornell University's ILR School
Ithaca, NY